Book Store
AHJ Firestop Inspection Handbook
Written by a veteran firestop inspector and trainer, this Handbook covers the “why”, “what” and “how” of firestopping and firestop inspection by building officials. The ring binder, tabbed format make it a handy reference tool which is easy to add updated information to as it becomes available. Clear, concise and logical, the handbook will lay the lay the knowledge base you and your department need to start effectively enforcing the codes on firestopping in your community.
Visual Field Guide
The Visual Field Guide is the companion volume to the Handbook. Through more than 200 photos and clear explanations, it helps you develop your mind and eyes to be able to spot non-conforming firestopping on any project. Set up by trade and broken down by different penetrant types, the Visual Field Guide allows you to quickly review common deficiencies and understand the issues with each one. Formatted as an e-book with full bookmarks, it can be stored on your computer for quick and easy reference.